It’s all about getting back up
"Elk nadeel hep zijn voordeel" (Every disadvantage has its advantage), said the great philosopher J. Cruijff.
At the moment it’s hard to imagine, we know. But arduous situations, even like the one we are facing today, provide the right soil for long-term impactful changes for companies, teams and people. It is precisely the appropriate time to re-think how you are running your business and to create new foundations for growth.
Ultimately, it’s all about this: getting back up and growing. Using the challenges in front of us as a steppingstone for future success. It goes without saying that the first focus is of course linked to resolving the questions, uncertainty, doubts and fears your employees, customers and suppliers are dealing with. But the dust will settle.
And when it does, make sure that your homework is done already (instead of only then kicking off…).
Strengthen your culture
As a CEO or HR Director, you are not trained for situations like this. Neither is there a manual or whitepaper you can consult. Put simply, it’s mostly you and your common sense. Use this to your advantage.
In times of uncertainty, circle the wagons. This is a true test of your culture and your DNA, and the biggest opportunity to unite all your people.
It’s OK to say you don’t have the answer, yet. Showing your vulnerability is one of the most important steps in building trust. Be transparent about the things you know and the ones you don’t. Communicate openly and create a safe environment for your employees.
It’s a team effort. Everyone inside the company has the chance (and we believe the obligation) to play a proactive part in figuring out how to move forward. Stimulate your people to come with solutions. You might be amazed.
Set your team up for new ways of working
Many companies are not set up or equipped for remote working, let alone that your teams and people know how to be productive in this new situation.
Align your team on common goals and make sure everyone knows what they need to be working on. It provides focus and guidance, which in return creates peace of mind.
Provide structure for your employees. There’s no more quickly walking over to someone’s desk. Huddle up virtually, once in the morning and once at the end of the day, to share everyone’s progress within the team.
Make the most out of team collaboration tools like Slack or Teams, but keep in mind that success is 20% the platform and 80% the mindset of the people.
Build your brand for what’s next
Yes, things risk not going as smoothly as normal and you might fear not having enough stock to service your customers. And that’s OK. What’s crucial is the way you use this opportunity to build true partnerships with your customers.
Everyone’s struggling with the same issues, but the way you deal with them and act as company can differentiate you from the rest and create a competitive advantage for the future. Be real, be genuine and be different.
Communicate, and communicate some more. Keep your customers in the loop of what’s going on. It creates a situation and atmosphere of ‘understanding’.
So, whether it’s to create higher team efficiency and transform to new ways of working, to create a stronger cultural identity and cohesion between your people, or to prepare your brand for what’s next, use the challenges of today as the first step towards tomorrow.
Think about, “Elk nadeel hep zijn voordeel”, right?
If we can help you in setting up one of these tactics, reach out at Please take care and stay safe. We’re all in this together.